ftp prompt

If you want to issue a command that is understood by a remote FTP server, but not by DOS, use the literal command in front of the FTP command. This command allows you to pass any request to the remote server without its being a valid DOS command.

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  • returns the prompt ftp> and permits you access to your own home directory on the remote...
    Basic FTP Commands - Colorado State University
  • If you want to issue a command that is understood by a remote FTP server, but not by DOS, ...
    Can I use a Windows Command Prompt to send FTP Commands to a ...
  • The DOS prompt should be replaced with the FTP prompt. The FTP program is now running on t...
    File Transfer Protocol (FTP), a List of FTP Commands - SimoTime
  • Ftp can be used interactively. After it is started, ftp creates a subenvironment in which ...
    Ftp - TechNet - Microsoft
  • 原來為 on 則變為 off ftp> prompt Interactive mode on. 原來為 off 則變為 on ⊕ 線上求助 ftp 提供許多命令,使用者可以隨...
    Ftp - 國立政治大學資訊科學系
  • 2012年4月17日 - Displays the valid ftp commands that are available from the ftp prompt. For ...
    Ftp: ? - TechNet - Microsoft
  • Ftp: get · Ftp: glob · Ftp: hash · Ftp: help · Ftp: lcd &middo...
    Ftp: lcd - TechNet - Microsoft
  • Ftp: prompt Toggles between prompt mode on and off. Syntax prompt Top of page Parameters? ...
    Ftp: prompt
  • By default, prompt is on. Ftp prompts during multiple file transfers to allow you to selec...
    Ftp: prompt - TechNet - Microsoft
  • FTP 常用指令說明: ls 查看Server 端的目錄或檔案pwd 查看Server 端目前所在的 ... 或可設定成prompt off,則所有符合的檔案皆會被拷貝。 ftp&...
  • shell 指令 !ls 查看 Local 端的目錄或檔案 prompt 變換交談模式 (on/off) , ?,help 指令使用說明 bye 結束 FTP 下表是 FTP 的命...
    ftp指令說明 - 歡迎來到中山大學全球資訊網第二站
  • 非但如此,因FTP而產生的一項網路新寵─Anonymous FTP更是網路愛用者的最愛, ... ftp> prompt ←切掉交談模式Interactive mode of...
  • 2017年5月5日 - To connect to another computer using FTP at the MS-DOS prompt, command line, ...
    How do I use FTP from a command line? - Computer Hope
  • This article will explain how to FTP to your server using Windows Command Prompt. ... The ...
    How to FTP using Command Prompt - Server Intellect
  • In Ubuntu ftp -p for passive mode works fine. How do I do the same in Windows? I tried wit...
    How to use passive FTP mode in Windows command prompt? - Sta ...
  • Runs the specified command on the local computer. Syntax:! [command] Parameter(s): command...
    Microsoft Windows Command-Line FTP Command List
  • 註1: prompt 為 ftp 中的交談模式 在 prompt on 的 情況下會要求您對每個符合的檔案作確認,回答 y(yes) 或 n(no) 確認。或可設定成 prompt...
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  • mkdir 在Server 端建立目錄 rmdir 刪除Server 端的目錄 ! shell 指令 !ls 查看Local 端的目錄或檔案 prompt 變換交談模式(on/of...
    淺談【linux】FTP指令學習@ 金魚不是魚:: 隨意窩Xuite日誌
  • 在國際學術網路上,有許多Anonymous FTP Server (FTP 檔案伺服器), 在這些伺服 .... 可以使用prompt 指令切換交談狀態,以決定在傳輸檔案前是否要顯...